The seven circuits of a pearl
An archival encounter with a family secret narrated through the historic,symbolic and material interpretations of the pearl
The mark of a terrible sun
An intimate portrait of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the world’s most seismically and volcanically active zone
Ioanna Sakellaraki is a Greek visual artist and researcher. Her work investigates the relationship between collective cultural memory and fiction. Drawing emphasis on the photographic object, process and encounter, she explores the boundaries of a primitive, yet futuristic vision of places and people.
So much looking forward to the first Solo Show of The Mark of a Terrible Sun, my photographic exploration of the Pacific Ring of Fire, opening this April @hillvalegallery in Melbourne! Stay tuned; more info coming soon🔥🔥🔥
A big thank you to the team for choosing my work as part of this year`s exhibition programme!
#REPOST @hillvalegallery - Hillvale Gallery is pleased to announce our photographic exhibition program for 2025!
We are super proud with the array of talent and public programs we have planned for the year spanning across multiple forms of photography including fine art, climate and social documentary, mixed media and experimental print making, self portraiture and collage.
Stay tuned for more details very soon!
Hillvale Gallery 2025 photographic program includes:
Conor O’Brien @conor__obrien
Ioanna Sakellaraki @ioannasakellaraki_photography_
Meg De Young @meg_de_young
Gabrielle Hall-Lomax @gabriellehall_lomax
J Davies
Tajette O’Halloran @tajette.ohalloran
Diego Pizarro @diegophotography42
Sam Biddle @biddle.biddle
Chris Middlebrook @chris_middlebrook
and the annual Hillvale Photo Trophy
#HillvaleGallery #2025 #soloexhibition #themarkofaterriblesun #ioannasakellaraki #Melbourne #artexhibition #conceptualphotography #australianartscene #documentaryphotography #art #creativearts

For a while now, maybe long enough already, I have been deciphering fragments of disasters through a gesture of incompletion that has turned out to be something like a thought-form for my practice. Developed in a constant state of slippage, they have revealed themselves to me in pieces that attempt to reclaim the agency of a narrative I am part of and yet absent from; all symptoms of a space encompassing the islandic, the scattered, the anarchival, the unexplored.
Here some image compositions from the Cycladic islands as part of `The Interval of Unreason` (2020-2022, fine art prints on japanese handmade paper) musing on the Aegean from afar and through my archives as earthquakes have been rattling their volcanic masses for the past few days.
#islands #disasters #landscapephotography #atnight #contemporaryart #homeland #Greece #greekislands #artpaper #cyclades #japanesepaper #nightphotography #ioannasakellaraki #contemporarywomenartists #magic #mystery #enigmatic #fineart #prints #artcollector #cemetery #landmark #landscapes #nightmood #temporality #archives

Looking forward to visiting Milano in March for my participation in the exhibition and panel discussion @photovogue Festival taking place between 6-9 March @base_milano 🇮🇹
Moderated @elsmdd and in the company of several inspiring artists from different corners of the world: Alessandro Bo, Lisandro Suriel, Aletheia Casey, Gui Christ and Dolores Medel, Igor Furtado and Labō Young, we will be discussing surreal and magical approaches to Documentary Photography offering imaginative perspectives on universal themes.
As an exhibiting artist of this year`s edition `The Tree of Life: A Love Letter to Nature`, I will be showing part of my project "The Mark of a Terirble Sun", an intimate portrait of the lands and people alongside the Pacific Ring of Fire, the most seismically and volcanically active zone in the world.
Photographed under the lava and ashes of past and ongoing volcanic activity and the historical remnants of the Pacific war in the region, the work is primarily concerned with the obscure traces of the disaster as an interspace dealing with ideas of destruction and survival and the exploration of heterotopias that might creatively synthesize new composites and assemblages of interpretation.
I will be in Milano during the entire festival duration and I look forward to meeting you there!
The full festival programme is now live featuring several interesting talks alongside the exhibitions. Check it out through the photovogue website!
#photovogue #basemilano #themarkofaterriblesun #artphotography #climate #treeoflife #volcanoes #globalcreatives #ioannasakellaraki #contemporaryart #artisttalk #panel #artists #photography #artfestival #contemporaryartwork #surrealism #documentaryphotography #artfair #artmilano #Vogue #photo #artmaking #landscapephotography #voguemagazine

The ideal fragment is the one of pure loss — still dwelling in its absence which has become my PhD Thesis organising principle. Now, at its final write-up stage, I look forward to sharing more with you about these looping encounters arising from and residing within my practice.
Behind the scenes of "Archiving the Disaster: Preservation, Separation and Encounter", a philosophicallly- engaged creative inquiry utilising the Blanchotian Disaster (Blanchot, The Writing of the Disaster, 1986) as the critical and navigational framework to uncover novel relationships between art practice and archival research.
2021-2025 @rmituniversity funded under the International Scholarship Sheme
#practiceasresearch #PhD #practiceled #blanchot #Disaster #criticalstudies #theory #artpractice #literarytheory #criticalthinking #archivalresearch #thesevencircuitsofapearl #ioannasakellaraki #fragments #inpieces #artencounters #Interdisciplinary #Researcher #writing #fiction #loss #doctoralcandidate #autotheory #artprocess